Outdoor patio furniture braves the elements. It can be subject to rain, snow, wind, heat and other weather conditions that can deteriorate its appearance over time. A good washing can sometimes be all that a patio set needs to look new again, but other times this simply is not enough. This does not mean that the only option is to replace it. Rather than spending hard earned money on replacing the set, rejuvenate it with a little elbow grease at a fraction of the cost.
Metal Patio Furniture
If the frame of the furniture is metal, a quick improvement can be made by repainting it. There are a variety of spray paints that are available and specifically designed for use on metal surfaces that may be exposed to the elements or subject to rust. To prepare the furniture for painting, follow these steps.
1. Remove any dirt or grime that has built up on the metal surfaces and allow it to dry.
2. Scrape or peel away any loose paint or chips that have developed. For areas that have rusted, use sand paper to smooth the surface for painting.
3. Lay a cloth or plastic sheet on the ground to avoid overspray on concrete or the work surface.
4. When spraying, ensure that a nice even coat is laid to avoid running or streaking. Allow the first coat to dry and reapply if needed.
Wood Patio Furniture
If the structure of the patio set is wood, it is important to determine whether or not it has moisture damage. Unlike metal, wood surfaces that have been damaged by moisture can become weak and rot. This may make the furniture unsafe and replacement may be necessary. Once it has been determined that a simply refinishing is all that is needed, it’s time to decide what color to paint or stain the furniture. Any stain can be used, however it is important that if paint is chosen, to find one that adheres well to wood surfaces and can withstand moisture. To refinish a wood patio set, follow these tips.
1. Clean the work surface to remove any dirt or mildew that may have accumulated.
2. Sand any rough surface or damaged areas. This is also recommended to remove the original paint or finish.
3. If using a wood stain, use a brush and apply the stain evenly.
4. If painting, brush or spray the paint in an even layer. Often times an oil based paint works best and will adhere to the wood surface easier.
5. Allow the paint or stain to dry and reapply if necessary for the desired color or hue.
6. When staining, apply a finish to the wood to protect it from water and moisture and to keep it looking its best.
Replacing Fabric and Cushions
For those with skill and creativity, reupholstering existing cushions may be a money saving option. If the filling is still in good condition, it is only necessary to replace the exterior fabric. This can also be an ideal way to redesign the furniture and give it a whole new look. For those without sewing skills, many retailers sell replacement cushions. These are often commonly sized to fit most patio sets and are available in a variety of styles and colors. To replace old and worn cushions with the exact style that the set originally offered, try contacting the manufacturer of the patio set to see if replacements can be purchased. To give an old patio set a new look, try simply replacing one if its existing elements with something new such as a new patio umbrella.
Steve Smith is a home improvement enthusiast and blogger.He writes for Oakville Home Leisure, a company which mainly deals in patio sets in Mississauga.