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What To Look For From A Commercial Self Storage Company

If you are looking for commercial self storage companies then it stands to reason you are going to want to make sure they are up to the job. Whether you need long term storage or just somewhere to store goods for a few days, you need to make sure that they are the right self storage company for you and your needs.

Choose a Local Company

It goes without saying that you need to choose a local company. The last thing you want to be doing is travelling for hours every time you wish to check on your stored goods or even getting something out of storage. When you are searching for a self storage company online make sure you search for something like 'self storage Basildon' so that you know the results are local enough for the companies to be able to help you.

What to Look For

Once you have done this you will be able to search through the results that Google or other search engines have given you. Being able to look through the results and compare between the companies is a good way of making sure that whatever company you choose is the best one for you. To ensure the company you use are reputable, here are some things to look for when making your decision:

  • Clean and Tidy Storage Units
  • 24 hour CCTV
  • 100% Secure Compound
  • Access Guaranteed 7 days a week
  • Lock and Keys provided
  • No lengthy contracts in place
  • Easy access with minimal fuss

When you are comparing companies it is easy to think that the cheapest company is going to be the best option - but that is not always the case at all. You are going to be storing your possessions with this company, so you really need to check out their security measures. You want to be able to store your goods and walk away knowing that they are going to be in safe hands. Looking for companies that have CCTV and other security measures is the best way to do this, even if you do have to pay a little extra.

Making Your Life Easy

If you are looking for commercial storage then the chances are you have quite a lot to store - so you really want a company that is going to make life easy for you. Make sure you choose a self storage company that have storage containers that are easy to access, day or night - perhaps even ones you can drive your vehicle right up to! The last thing you want to be doing is carrying heavy boxes up and down stairs - that is far too much hard work!

Top 5 Self-Storage Centers

There are many companies out there that offer a massive range of commercial self storage options, which means that whatever you are looking for there will be something to suit you. I have sourced 5 of the top storage companies out there to give you some ideas of where to begin:

  1. Big yellow Self-Storage Company – based all over the country and extremely well known.
  2. Safestore – Over 100 locations nationwide
  3. Shurgard – no minimum stay and no deposit based in London
  4. The Rayleigh Storage Centre – Essex- based storage center servicing throughout the Essex area for many years with great rates, no contracts and excellent service reviews.
  5. Pickfords – For national and international removals

With a range of pricing packages and different sized storage containers to suit your requirements you can feel confident that wherever you choose to store your precious items, the company will have storage options to match your needs. On top of this most storage centers take security very seriously, so you can leave your goods there feeling happy that anything you have stored will be in safe hands and will be well looked after.


My name is Nicola and I have interests in technology, health and fitness, home improvements and interior design.