Grab-N-Go Nutrition at your finger tips,All Natural,Healthy and Simple.FUEL- Protein Shake,SKINNE-Burns Calories,Breaks Down Fat,Appetite Supprressent Why the time is NOW for The Automatic Body Program... The revolutionary Automatic Body program developed in part by Kim Lyons is literally taking the World by storm. Whether your goal is to lose the excess weight that you have gained over the past few years, or if you're the fitness person who wants to gain more muscle mass or simply just tone up; Automatic Body is for you. We have all seen the fly by night weight loss programs but what you may not know is that 80% of those programs fail, yes you may lose weight initially but guess what......the weight comes right back and often times you gain more weight back than you loss. This is not the case with Automatic Body. The Automatic Body program was developed around the Nutrie family of products, more specifically Skinne & Fuel. By introducing these two products into your daily routine along with a subtle change to your daily routine over a multiple week time frame you will start to see amazing results, results that last. No more being a statistic of being a product of a weight loss program that did not keep the weight off