If you run a beauty salon there's a good chance that one of the things you're asked to do for your customers most often is their eye art. Though not at all tricky once you get the hang of it, many people aren't confident in their abilities to do their own eye art, and therefore end up coming to a salon to get a professional to do it for them.
Though a professional such as yourself will certainly do a good job, it's entirely possible for individuals to create their own amazing eye art so long as they know what to do. To help you provide a better service to your customers, take note of the following essentials for creating amazing eye art so you can both serve your own, and your customers' eyes better:
1) Moisturize Your Face Beforehand
If your face is dry beforehand it's a good idea to apply moisturizer so to soften it up and allow your whole face to shine afterwards. If you haven't got one already, search online for lists of top moisturizers to find one that will work well for you. Once you've applied the moisturizer and it's been rubbed in efficiently, it's time to move on to step two...
2) Apply Concealer Underneath
When you apply concealer underneath your eyes you can significantly reduce the visibility of any dark circles under your eyes caused by sleepless nights or stress (or both). Though this step isn't essential to the way in which your eyes will ultimately look themselves, if you do currently have large dark circles under your eyes, their presence would distract from your eye art once complete, therefore it's a good idea to deal with them as quickly as possible.
3) Apply White Base Powder
This white eye makeup powder is designed simply as a base layer to make it easier to build colours on top of it. It can also help to cover up any creases in your eyelid, which not only makes your eyes look better, but also makes for a more even canvas once the colours come out.
4) Choose Your Colours
It's recommended that you choose no more than two or three different colours to use on your eyes, even when you're setting out to create especially amazing eye art. The old phrase, less is more, rings as true here as it does in many other realms of life. More than three colours rarely looks good, but you must keep in mind that these colours must themselves work well together, something known as basic colour theory.
5) Apply Eye Liner
No doubt you remember the first time you applied eye liner or had it applied for you; it hurt. If you've never applied eye liner it's essential that you learn how to do this as soon as possible, as it forms a crucial part of creating amazing eye art.
6) Create Luscious Lashes
Your next step is to apply eyelash thickener in order to make your lashes look both full and thick, though if you don't use lash thickener you can manage to achieve a very similar effect by using a standard eyelash clamp to curl up your lashes, making them appear bolder. Next, apply mascara to your lashes so to darken them and, again, make them appear fuller.
7) Add Some Sparkle
Here comes the fun! Whether you're creating amazing eye art for yourself or for one of your salon customers, now is the time to really get creative by adding glitter to your upper eyelids, followed by adding even more glitter to your lashes. These glitter types can be the same or a different colour, depending on the exact look you're going for. If looking for a simple, sparkly effect, opting for a silver glitter will rarely steer you wrong.
In conclusion, if you run a beauty salon there's a good chance that one of the things you're asked to do for your customers most often is their eye art. Though a professional such as yourself will certainly do a good job, it's entirely possible for individuals to create their own amazing eye art so long as they know what to do.