Anyone who has been through a plastic surgery will most likely suffer from anxiety. This anxiety may stem from the physical pain that the individual has to endure after the surgery. Add to that the thought of having to spend more money in buying medicines for complete recovery. After undergoing a plastic surgery procedure, the individual’s anxiety lingers on for weeks or months. This is because he will always have this thought that a part of his body has been changed. Feelings of anxiety may become intense as the person looks at his image in front of the mirror. For the first few days, he will have this unsettling feeling that he is looking at the stranger in the mirror.
Anxiety after Plastic Surgery is Normal
Mental and psychological experts claim that anxiety after undergoing a plastic surgery is normal. Of course, the individual was able to spend huge amount of money for such procedure. Not to mention the time and emotion that they have spent all throughout the process. Some people have probably spent years or months imagining how such procedure could change their life. However, now that it is finally over they just can’t help but worry whether it turned out to be exactly what they hoped for. Feelings of anxiety continue to surge as they realize that so much has changed in them. The individual’s anxiety exacerbates as he questions whether the entire procedure was really worth all the money spent.
Questions that Elicit Too Much Anxiety
Anxiety after a plastic surgery can be experienced when one begins to wonder what other people would think about the result of the surgery. How would other people react when they see him for the first time after the surgery? How will his other half feel after seeing the physical changes in him? How will the surgery affect his career and productivity? How long will it take him to get used to the changes that occurred in his body? These are just few examples of questions that can bring about so much anxiety in an individual. This is why every individual needs to be aware of the physical, psychological and physical effects prior to submitting himself to plastic surgery.
Other Causes of Anxiety after Plastic Surgery
Anxiety may also occur as a side effect of anesthesia and other medications that an individual had during the plastic surgery. It has already been a known fact that these medications do have adverse effects on the person’s health. These medications will definitely add up to the chemical imbalance of the person’s brain and body. As a result, the person becomes easily shaken by anxiety after the surgery.
Managing Anxiety after Plastic Surgery
Fortunately, this modern world has provided people with different ways to treat post-surgery anxiety. Some experts recommend the use of relaxation techniques to help individuals cope with anxiety after plastic surgery. Patients may indulge in meditation and breathing exercises to relieve themselves from the disruptive effects of post-plastic surgery anxiety. Talking to a counselor or therapist would also be very beneficial. An individual also needs to gather more information about post-surgery anxiety. This will increase his awareness about the condition that he is currently in and reduces the impact of anxiety. The individual needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the surgery. He should be more careful now about his food choices. This is to ensure that he will be strong enough to combat those adverse effects of surgery and medications.
Although post-surgery anxiety is normal but not all people experience this. Some people are fortunate enough to easily move on with their lives immediately after the surgery. However, as the old adage says “Time heals all wounds.” Therefore, an individual just have to be patient. He must believe that these anxiety attacks will be over soon. When that happens, he will become more confident in achieving what he wanted in life.
Ryan Rivera used to suffer from anxiety for seven years. He now advocates healthy living as the best weapon against anxiety and depression. You can read more of his writings at Calm Clinic.