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Chiropractic, massage therapy, physical therapy, smoking cessation, Vax-D, MUA, Nutritional Purification. Dedicated to your health and wellness. Pollack Health and Wellness balances chiropractic philosophy, art, and science. Our staff has a passion for chiropractic. We teach it, live it, and practice it ourselves. We also provide customized modalities of unique treatments that include physical therapy, Vax-D for low back pain, laser light therapy, and electro-acupuncture for smoke cessation. Massage therapy is available from certified therapists in .5 - 1 hour sessions. We welcome and treat pregnant moms, newborns, toddlers, and children and adults of all ages. We utilize safety and professional techniques to reduce exposure while producing quality x-ray films. Your treatment is personalized and customized to your individual diagnostic condition. We are a participating provider in many health plans and we also accept Medicare

137 Atlantic City Boulevard
Beachwood, NJ 08722