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Comprehensive chiropractic and physical rehabilitative services in the Mt Prospect area. Let Advanced Physical Medicine & Therapy in Mt Prospect focus on your unique healthcare needs. You can achieve optimal health using our highly trained doctors to help you reach your health care goals. Using cutting edge evidence based medicine, our staff is results driven. Our chiropractors focus on natural pain relief so you can achieve rapid improvement without relying on drugs or surgery. We specialize in the following conditions: Neck Pain; Shoulder/Elbow Pain; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Knee/Hip Pain; Rotator Cuff Syndrome; Sciatica; Low Back Pain; Disc Conditions/Herniations; Auto/Work Accidents; Headaches/Migraines; Plantar Fasciitis; Lateral/ Medial Epichondylitys; Foot/Ankle Pain

350 W. Kensington Rd. #102
Mount Prospect, IL 60056