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Lakewood Medical Group is a Primary-Care Family Medicine Practice serving the residents and businesses of its community. Lakewood Medical Group, a place where patients come first, is a Primary-Care Family Medicine Practice committed to providing the local residents and businesses of its community utmost care by applying superior medical technologies and proven scientific discoveries. We offer extended business hours, including Saturdays. Ground-level open parking is available. Call to schedule your next visit today!

4318 South Street
Lakewood, CA 90712

We are effective services that helps Individuals (adults, couples, youth) deal with matters of life that create internal distress in the life domains. We offer: Individual Therapy Family Therapy Couples Therapy Group Therapy Consultation Training and Clinical Supervision Why People Reach Out: There comes a point in time when we all face life issues that are unpredictable and overwhelming. At times some have reported that "something is always wrong" or "I never get a break" so what's the point of living. You can't control the hand that life gives you, but you can definitely win with a seemingly losing hand. It's never too late to reclain or recreate meaning in your life. Some people claim that in their latter years is when life became more meaningful, but it can actually happen at any point of your life. Where Does Pain Stem From: This actually varies from individual to individual. There is no one set source that contributes to loss, but grief is typically about undelivered communications. Most people that we have encounter are able to link most of their pain to childhood trauma and insensitve words that attempts to define who you are as a person. Benefits We Offer: Effective services from compassionate therapist who are trainined in a variety of life areas.

5220 Clark Avenue Ste. 350
Lakewood, CA 90712