William Dean, owner of William Dean's Salon, provides professional hair styling for women, men & children. Appointments available, walk-ins welcome. William Dean's is a full-service hair salon located in the Louisville Highlands area near Ramsi's and Skyline Chili. We've served Louisville for over a decade. Come in for a new cut or style. We offer coloring to change your look or to give it a touch up. We're known for helping you look your best on that special day such as a Wedding, Mother's Day, a birthday, or even an important date. But you don't have to wait for a big event. You deserve to look your best everyday. We can help you decide on something unique, offer tips and advice about your hair, or simply get you feeling terrific about your image. We're open until 11:30pm, six days a week -- so when it's time for a new cut, we'll be ready for you!