If you are starting up a business, or if you aretrying to generate fresh interest in one,you will need to have some ideas about how to market it to prospective clients and customers. Being able to reach the right people is vital if a business is to succeed, and businesses need to consider marketing and advertising very seriously. Below are a few of the most popular methods of marketing that are available to you, and who they are most suitable for.
The Internet
It seems that everybody has access to the internet, and because of smart phones and tablets they can even access it on the go. If you want to have a possible audience of millions then there is no better way than the internet. With the possibility of postal delivery and paying over the net, people no longer need to visit a shop to make a purchase. If you have a website you can give details of each item you have for sale, or give details about the services you offer. However, if you give a service, remember that even though you are enabling millions to see it, many of them will be too far away to consider you.
For a more localized approach you can use flyers to advertise your business. As a flyer is usually distributed in the locality of the business, you can be sure that your business is marketed to those that it is available to. Professionally made flyers will make your business look appealing, will catch the eye of people who see them, and can contain a lot of information about a service or products. Though flyers are better suited to marketing a service than a product, they are a great way to announce the arrival of any new business to an area, and to ensure a business doesn’t drop out of the public eye. Flyers can also be easily kept for future reference and contact details, giving instant access to your service in the future.
Advertising your business in a newspaper is another way to let people know about your business, and how you can help them. The biggest advantage of using newspapers is that you don’t have to worry about delivery of flyers or leaflets, but unless you are prepared to pay for a large space in the newspaperthe information you can give will be limited. Like leaflets, your marketing will reach the people that will have the best access to your business, and is more suited to services than products. Many people will still reach for a newspaper when in search of a local service, though their advertising revenue is certainly falling because of the wide use of the internet.
If you have the funds available, I would recommend using all three of these methods to market your business. If not, then you need to decide which one, or combination, is the most suitable for you. Marketing is a tool to make people aware of your existence, and ensuring that they do not forget about it. Use this tool wisely or you could be wasting your money.
This post is authored by Howard Rand, an avid basketball fan. He works for Inspired Design and Print, specialists in Flyer Printing. When he is not working, he enjoys painting and listening to Pink Floyd.