While running any sort of commercial enterprise can be extremely rewarding, there are times when it can be extremely stressful as well. For example, you could have just fired an employee who you’re worried will go sell your secrets to a competitor. You could also be having an argument with a client over payment disagreements that you simply can’t just let go. Of course, there are many more unpleasant scenarios that you can find yourself in as the owner of your business. All of these can be dealt with by hiring a legal retainer on a permanent basis. While you’ll have to pay extra for this service, they’ll provide you with a whole host of benefits:
- Instead of paying a hefty, unexpected fee for a lawyer once you lose control, a retainer handles multiple clients and will thus expect a regular monthly fee. You’ll be able to budget for this expense while gaining legal counsel whenever you need it. Whether dealing with a criminal trial or indemnity charge, you’ll have a safety net without being charged a small fortune at the same time.
- You’ll have someone on hand who can help you get through all of the minor legal hassles that have been building up over time. From staff disagreements to intellectual property restrictions, you can find a solution to all of your commercial problems thanks to the retainer you’ve hired. This will also be cheaper than hiring a lawyer on a one-off basis, giving you a chance to smooth out any hurdles that you experience while still retaining the budget you desire. This will then give you more focus on your company as all legal issues will be sorted out in the future.
- Your retainer will also help you think more about how your business runs. Rather than just using a generic template for an employee contract, confidentiality agreement, or staff handbook, you’ll be able to customise each to suit your business. Agencies such as GT Stewart can give you specialised advice on how to write up all of your corporate documents so that you cover all bases and avoid any legal difficulties in the future. You’ll also gain a better understanding of how your field works as your fulltime retainer can sit down and go over the details with you in depth.
- If something happens in the future, and you find yourself being accused of some unplanned legal charges, you can relax knowing that your lawyer is but a phone call away. Instead of wasting time finding someone who can help, you can get in touch with your retainer and get them to sort out the problems as soon as possible. Seeing as they know the specifics of your company, they will provide legal aid that is completely relevant to your business. This means that you won’t have to waste time explaining things to a recently hired solicitor. Instead, you can call your retainer who will get right on fixing whatever legal hassles you find yourself in.
- Finally, the top retainers will also have a network of other professionals with which to tap into when boosting your legal stability and performance. Whether you’re dealing with new taxation laws or wish to expand your commercial property, they will save you time and hassle by having the right contacts on hand from the word go. By choosing an experienced retainer, you’ll then gain access to a whole host of other professionals at the same time. Thus, hiring a decent legal aid will be much more efficient than spending time and effort to find these individuals on your own in future.
GT Stewart is identified as one of London's top law firms. Know more about the legal services provided by this company by visiting http://www.gtstewart.co.uk/.