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Graduate Recruitment in Small Businesses

Recruiting a graduate in a small business can be a tremendous and mutually beneficial venture for both parties involved. Although there are quite a number of advantages, there are also some disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration. 

Advantage to Small Business to Hire a Graduate

  • One of the greatest advantages to a small business to hire a graduate is the recruitment of fresh talent with new ideas and skilled training for a competitive rate. A graduate will be looking for a job and be willing to accept a lower pay and more work hours in order to build their resume. He or she will also want to do their best work for a high recommendation. 
  • Hiring a graduate also gives the small business a cutting edge over the competition in that he or she will bring in the latest knowledge or innovations in the market that were learned from the brightest minds at their higher learning institute, into their current workplace. The small business owner can also be confident that he or she will be dealing with a qualified, educated and skilled individual that has the ability to learn and who has already proved him or her self in the academic world. The more the prestigious the institution, the more highly it reflects the talents of the individual and their unique distinguishing strengths through the rigorous selection process of the school. 
  • A small business provides a graduate with more personalized attention as opposed to a large corporation where he or she can feel lost and one of many. A small business helps guide the graduate better in honing their skills and identifying their work niche, potentially fostering work loyalty in the long-run. 

Disadvantage to a Small Business to Hire a Graduate

  • The small business will have to realize that the graduate does not have any practical experience and will require the investment of valuable time, effort and resources in order to acquire on the job training which he or she might choose to take elsewhere in the future.
  • Since the graduate is not experienced, the small business will have to be willing to cover his or her mistakes, which can result in big losses like customers, damages or law suits depending on the nature of the job. 
  • The small business needs to be prepared to deal with any conflict between old workers and newly recruited graduates. A new graduate might feel superior because of his or her degree to a long time worker with no or low academic credentials, while the older workers might feel resentful to a new comer wanting to take charge or make changes. 

Therefore, it is important to any small business to weight the significant advantages over potential disadvantages before they choose to hire a graduate in order to see if it is a right fit for their employment needs or if it will be too risky and not profitable in the long run.


Sarah writes for Richmond, the American Uni in London. Richmond’s specialist courses range from international relations too their unique art history masters course. Richmond offer low student numbers and a great student experience.