Disability Compliance is just a norm and needs to be implemented by any company or enterprise that deals with business through their employees. This is a legal provision given to the labor that ensures that the labor welfare is taken care of by the employers during events that lead any employee to disability.
There are many service providers in the market offering consulting services to the employers or enterprises to deal with the Disability Compliance. Most of the employers and corporate houses are invariably aware of the consequences of disability as they have to comply with the federal recommendations to ensure disabled are treated on par with the others. This would have many implications in terms of business and financial aspects. Having understood the consequences and seriousness of the compliance, enterprises are ready to engage the experts that are efficient in consulting so as to guide the leadership teams towards solutions in every situation that is demanding.
There were instances in the past where disabled employees depend on the federal justice system to claim their privileges from the employers. Rulings in favor of employees would cost the employers heavily leading to unstable business scenarios by all means. All these situations can be averted and dealt with greater sensitivity. This is where the professional consulting agencies can come to play and provide value added resources and solutions to companies that are even in the verge of trouble due to compliance. However, the enterprise owners should be efficient in finalizing the best in class consulting firm that has proven capabilities in the industry. There are certain parameters or indicators that will help your business to assess the efficiency and genuineness of the agency you are about to sign up with.
Profile and track record – The profile of the company or the agency in point should be thoroughly evaluated in terms of their experience in dealing with the compliance related aspects. Going through the list of clients and verify their validity through simple reference methods can help in arriving at an initial impression about the agency. You also need to look at their resource richness in terms of their headcount and contract employees they engage with. It’s important for us to know the kind of attention and turn - around time that can be expected during your engagement. The track record can be verified by evaluating the claims presented to you during their initial conversations.
Legal proficiency - One of the most important aspects to be evaluated is the legal proficiency the agency has in terms of the quality attorneys associated with their team. It would be of great help if you go through the case studies that are offered as real time examples. You can have these case studied re – evaluated by the legal experts who can provide with their opinion about the legal strengths of the team you are planning to be associated with. You need to figure out their legal standing as per the federal standards if it matched the desired standards.
Experience and exposure – Having the most experienced consultant by your side is the major strength which can also be otherwise if an inexperienced consultant is dealing with a sensitive situation. It’s not a blanket no to the fresh and emerging talents as there are always exceptions in all professions. You may also be interested in evaluating their exposure to other fields and aspects that are not very common. Many times, you have challenges with situations that are isolated in nature. You need to figure out consultants who can deal with the rarest of the rare cases. You are to consider yourself fortunate enough if you find such excellent consultants with great experience and exposure.
Barbara Klejka is a DDA access auditor and disability compliance consultant. She has a vast knowledge about several employee provisions of the labor to ensure labor welfare including disability compliance consulting, Training & Policy Development.