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Business Documents: Making Sense of Jargon

Since the corporate world is developing so fast, the language that people use constantly changes over time. Because of this, you’ll need to keep up-to-date on the latest jargon to be fully aware of what people are saying. No matter how ridiculous you think the new idioms or vocabulary are, you owe it to yourself to keep abreast of all the new language so that you can communicate in a much better way. Below, you’ll find a range of techniques to help you make sense of the jargon no matter what industry you’re in.

Read a Business Guide

There are plenty of helpful texts and websites out there which go over the various terms and sayings commonly found in the business world. By taking the time to read over them, you’ll then improve your vocabulary and gain a better grasp of how to communicate in your field. When choosing an information source, remember to browse through relevant topics. After all, the idioms used vary from field to field and from place to place. The best commercial translators will tell you that the phrases and vocabulary from one area cannot be directly applied to another. Thus, you’ll need to focus on your specific region and industry in order to learn all of the jargon that you require.

Talk to an Expert

Of course, it takes a while for textbooks to be published and even online jargon guides can be outdated. To keep yourself fully abreast of all the latest language changes, you’ll also need to get in touch with those who know the business. This information can be found through a number of different sources, including:

  • Business analysts
  • Work colleagues
  • Corporate translators
  • Commercial journalists

Basically anyone in the word industry should be able to bring your vocabulary up to speed when it comes to communicating in whatever field you’re interested in. Firms such as CTC translation services are recommended due to their quality and breadth when it comes to their skills and knowledge in the language industry. Remember that it is never a sign of weakness to ask for outside help, especially when it comes to something like your communicative performance within the industry. Whether you’re trying to understand what a client is saying or you want to reach out to your overseas customers, talking with the right experts will open up your abilities to connect with the right people in your business.

Ask the Right Questions

The last avenue for getting your head around the jargon that you hear is merely to ask those you’re speaking to for an explanation. This applies whether you’re talking with a superior or reading a translated text from a foreign branch. For example, you might hear someone mention that they’re working to improve synergy for the SVTR department and need an expert who can think outside the box when it comes to innovation in social media spheres. Since a statement like this can mean just about anything, it will be helpful to interrupt them and ask for clarification. 

By taking this step, you might be worried that you look foolish and damage that professional image you’ve worked so hard to retain. On the contrary though, it is better to ask now rather than pretend that you’ve understood and face the possibility of looking incompetent in the future. Remember that you’ll always come face to face with new commercial words and idioms during your day-to-day routine. By making an enquiry as soon as you hear the new phrase, you’ll have a better chance of expanding your communication abilities regardless of the sector you’re working in.


Commercial Translation Centre is a company in Melbourne that provides global localisation and translation documentation.